José Juan Pintó Ruiz (†)


  • Barcelona
    C/. Beethoven, nº 13, 7º
    08021 BARCELONA

    Tel.:+34 93 241 30 20
    Fax:+34 93 414 38 85
  • Law Degree, Universitat de Barcelona. Special Award of Degree by civil examination
  • Doctor of Law, Law School of Barcelona. Doctor of Law, "Cum Laude" (with Honours)
Professional Experience

José Juan Pintó Ruiz earned his Law Degree, which included an Extraordinary Award, obtaining ten years later a cum laude Doctorate in Law. He was Dean of the Barcelona Bar Association from 1978 to 1982, when he became President of La Caixa de Barcelona, a position he held for eight years. Within that period he was also President of the Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación [Jurisprudence and Legislation Academy] (1984-1988), of the Asociación Española de Cajas de Ahorro [Spanish Association of Savings Banks] (1988-1989) and of AUCAT (1989). When he handed over the chairmanship of La Caixa in 1990, he was appointed its Co-president for a year. He later became President of La Caixa Foundation (1992-2003), First Vice-Chairman of La Caixa (1993-2003), President of Caixabank (1993-1997) and President of Banco de Europa, a member of La Caixa Group (1997-2003). He has also been Vice-Chairman of the Consejo General de la Abogacía Española [General Council of Spanish Advocates] (1978-1982).
Mr. Pintó is a member of the Academia de Doctores [Doctors’ Academy] since 1970, of the Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación de Cataluña [Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia] since 1967, of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras [Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences] since 1991 and of the Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación [Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation] since 1999. He has been a member of the Studies Board of the Duran I Bas Chair of Civil Law of Catalonia, a Magistrate of Mitra de Andorra High Court, a member of the Generalitat de Catalunya’s Advisory Legal Committee and a member of the Editorial Board of "Revista Jurídica de Catalunya" ("Law Journal of Catalonia"). Currently, he is Honorary President of Microbank and Honorary Chairman of ISDE (Law and Finance Institute), as well as a member of the Advisory Board of the magazine Economist & Jurist and Vice President of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras [Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences].
In recognition of his outstanding career, he has been awarded the Cross of Honour of San Ramon de Penyafort, of the San Raimundo de Peñafort Order, by the Ministry of Justice, Spanish Government (1990); the Cross of Merit for Advocates of the Consejo General de la Abogacía Española [General Council of Spanish Advocates] (2002); the Cross of Sant Jordi awarded by the Generalitat of Catalonia (1999); Cross of Merit, silver award, by Guardia Civil, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Spanish Government (2011), Golden Medal of Ramón Llull University (2011) and Puig Salellas Prize (third Edition), awarded by the Bar of Notaries of Barcelona (2011).
Mr. Pintó is particularly renowned in the field of Catalonian Civil Law and its different professional, academic and scientific aspects, and is unanimously recognized as one of the most distinguished contemporary Catalonian jurists. Also noteworthy is his court and out-of-court performance, as well as his role in alternative settlement of disputes, mainly as an arbitrator.

  • Cross of Honour of San Raimundo de Peñafort (Ministry of Justice, Spain).
  • Cross of Merit in the Service of the Legal Profession of the General Council of the Spanish Bar Association.
  • Cross of Sant Jordi of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
  • Cross of the Order of Merit of Guardia Civil, silver. Awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Gold medal. Universitat Ramón Llull.
  • Puig Salellas Prize (3rd edition), awarded by the Catalonia Bar of Notaries.
  • Distinguished by Best Lawyers (2012 to 2020) as one of the best lawyers in the areas of litigation, and trusts and estates in Spain.
  • "Naturaleza Jurídica del pago" ("Legal Nature of Payment"), in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya (1949), pp. 223-245.
  • "En torno a la llamada condición resolutoria tácita (art. 1124 C.C.)" ("Regarding the so-called Tacit Condition Subsequent (Article 1124 Civil Code)"), in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya (1953), pp. 291-293, 424-444; (1954), pp. 25-45.
  • "El usufructo general de viudedad en el Anteproyecto de la Compilación Especial del Derecho Civil de Cataluña" ("The general usufruct of widowhood in the Draft Project of the Special Compilation of the Civil Law of Catalonia"), in Anuario de Derecho Civil, part publication 3 (1953), p. 653.
  • "La Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo en relación con la indemnización de daños y perjuicios, durante el año 1957" ("Supreme Court Jurisprudence in relation to compensation for damages, in 1957"), in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya, issue 2 (1958), p. 199.
  • "Identificación y determinación de fincas y su publicación" ("Identification and determination of estates and their publication"), in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya, issue 6 (1959), p. 771.
  • "Reclamación de cantidad procedente de daños y perjuicios causados por accidente de circulación...Comentario al núm. 103 por..." ("Claim for sum from damages caused by traffic accident... Comment on issue 103 by..."), in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya, issue 5-6 (1960- 1961), p. 961.
  • "Incumplimiento de las obligaciones civiles" ("Non-fulfilment of civil obligations"), in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya, issue 4 (1964), p. 947.
  • "La resolución del derecho del arrendador y subsistencia del derecho del arrendatario" ("The termination of the right of the tenant and continuance of the right of the lessor"), in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya (1965), pp. 317-358.
  • "Investigación de la paternidad" ("Investigation of paternity"), in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya, issue 2 (1968), p. 289.
  • "Los bienes puestos a nombre de la mujer en el Derecho civil de Cataluña" ("Assets placed in the woman's name in Catalan Civil Law"), in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya, issue extra (1970), pp. 175-251.
  • "Los bienes puestos a nombre de la mujer en el Derecho civil de Cataluña" ("Assets placed in the woman's name in Catalan Civil Law"), in Universidad de Barcelona, Facultad de Derecho, Estudios jurídicos sobre la mujer catalana, pp. 69-145.
  • "Resolución del contrato y la regla Periculum est emptoris" ("Termination of the contract and the Periculum est Emptoris rule"), in Libro homenaje a D. Ramón Mª Roca Sastre. Madrid, 1976. Vol. II, p. 519.
  • "Incidencia de las autonomías en el Derecho Privado" ("Impact of the Autonomies on Private Law"), in Foro Gallego, issue 182 (1986). Also published in: Libro homenaje a Don Ramon Mª Roca Sastre. Madrid, 1976. vol. II.
  • "Le nouveau Titre préliminaire du Code civil espagnol" ("The new Preliminary Title of the Spanish Civil Code"), in Annales de l'Université des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse, 1978. Tome XXVI, p. 241.
  • Reply to the speech on entering the Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación de Cataluña [Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia] by Francisco Soto Nieto, which covered "El cambio social y el Derecho" ("Social Change and the Law"), in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya, 1979, pp. 145-170.
  • "Las reacciones del Derecho Privado ante la inflación" ("The reactions of Private Law to inflation"). Entrance speech, publications of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras [Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences] . Barcelona, 1981.
  • "Contrato de obra a tanto alzado" ("Fixed-price works contract"), in Actualidad Jurídica, issue 4 (1981), p. 53.
  • "Desahucio de vivienda por no uso y por subarriendo inconsentido...Comentario por...núm. 18" ("Eviction from dwelling due to non-use and subletting without consent... Comment by... issue 18"), in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya, issue 5-6 (1960-1961), p. 861.
  • "Deuda futura. Eficacia de la fianza" ("Future debt. Effectiveness of the bond"), in Actualidad Jurídica, issue 4 (1981), p. 56.
  • Reply to the speech of Salvador Millet y Bel on entering the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras [Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences], which covered the subject of "Perfeccionamiento de la Democracia Discurso de ingreso" ("Perfecting the Democracy Entrance Speech"), publications of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras [Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences], 1981.
  • "Sentido de la equidad en el título preliminar del código civil" ("Sense of equity in the preliminary title of the Civil Code"), in cycle of lectures on the preliminary title of the Civil Code. Barcelona: Bar Association, Notarial Association and Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación de Cataluña [Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia], 1975. pp. 153-200.
  • Reply to the entrance speech of Mr Antonio Sabater Tomás, which covered "De las fuentes del derecho andorrano y su aplicación" ("The sources of Andorran law and its application"), in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya (1994), pp. 359-417.
  • "Trascendencia jurídica en Andorra de las nuevas técnicas de concepción humana" ("Legal transcendence in Andorra of the new human conception techniques"), in La Notaría (1986), pp. 171-185.
  • Reply to the speech of Luis Usón Duch on entering the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras [Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences], which covered "El desapoderamiento del deudor, sus causas y efectos en visión histórica, actual y de futuro" ("The removal of power from the debtor, its causes and effects on historical, present and future vision"). Barcelona, 1996.
  • Reply to the speech of Claudio Colomer Marqués on entering the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras, which covered "La incertidumbre fiscal" ("Fiscal uncertainty"). Barcelona, 1998.
  • Reply to the speech of Joan Francesc Pont Clemente on entering the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras [Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences], which covered "De Universitate sobre la Naturaleza, los Miembros, el Gobierno y la Hacienda de la Universidad Pública en España" ("De Universitate on the Nature, the Members, the Government and the Tax of State Universities in Spain"). Barcelona, 1999.
  • "La rescisión por lesión en Cataluña" ("Rescission due to injury in Catalonia"), in Temas de derecho civil catalán. Barcelona: Instituto de Ciencias Sociales de la Diputación de Barcelona, 1984, p. 25. (in Catalan).
  • "La función del abogado" ("The function of the lawyer"), in Separata of the Balearics Bar Association, 1996.
  • "El Actual artículo 814 del Código Civil no introduce el instituto de la representación sucesoria en la sucesión testada" ("The present Article 814 of the Civil Code does not introduce the institution of the inheritance representation in the testate succession"), in Revista General de Derecho, issue 483 (1984).
  • In "Nueva Enciclopedia Jurídica Seix", he published the following entries: "Derecho Internacional Privado" ("International Private Law"), "Abandono de Bienes" ("Abandonment of Assets"), "Accesión" ("Accession"), "Administración" ("Administration"), "Disposición" ("Disposal"), "Autorización marital" ("Marital authorisation"), "Acogimiento Familiar" ("Family Care"), "Deslinde" ("Boundary"), "Insinuación" ("Insinuation"), "Investigación de la paternidad" ("Investigation of paternity"), "Acciones de compañías" ("Company actions").
  • Reply to the speech of Luis Roca-Sastre Muncunill on entering the Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación de Cataluña [Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia], which covered the subject of "Conceptos generales del derecho de sucesiones" ("General concepts of inheritance law"), in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya (1985), p. 997-1025.
  • "Trascendencia jurídica en Andorra de la nuevas técnicas de concepción humana" ("Legal transcendence in Andorra of the new human conception techniques"), in La Notaría (1986).
  • "Vallet de Goytisolo y la tradición jurídica catalana" ("Vallet de Goytisolo and the Catalan legal tradition"), in Libro homenaje a Vallet de Goytisolo. Madrid, 1988. Vol. VI.
  • Reply to the speech of José M. Pou de Avilés on entering the Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación de Cataluña [Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia]. "La accesión invertida. Nuevos horizontes" ("Inverted accession. New horizons"), in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya, issue 2 (1991), pp. 500-508.
  • "La tradición jurídica catalana" ("The Catalan legal tradition"). Barcelona: Real Academia de Doctores [Royal Academy of Doctors], 1992.
  • "El florecimiento y determinación del Derecho" ("The prospering and determination of the Law"). Opening lecture of the Barcelona 1995 academic year. Ed. Universidad Ramon Llull. (in Catalan).
  • "Los derechos y deberes de los árbitros" ("The rights and duties of arbitrators"), in Boletín del Tribunal Arbitral de Barcelona, issue 10 (1997).
  • "El afloramiento y la determinación del Derecho según el maestro José Castan Tobeñas" ("The prospering and determination of the Law according to the teacher José Castan Tobeñas"). Entrance speech as numerary Academician into the Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación [Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation]. Madrid: 1999.
  • “Dinero, Tiempo Y Derecho” (“Money, Time and Law”), in Ciència i cultura en el segle XXI. : estudis en homenatge a Josep Casajuana Reial Acadèmia de Doctors. Barcelona, 2001. pp. 639 - 675.
  • Reply to the entrance speech of Josep Enric Rebes i Soler, which covered “Reflexions sobre la responsabilitat sanitaria de l’Administració” (“Reflections on the healthcare responsibility of the Administration”). Barcelona: Acadèmia de Jurisprudència i Legislació de Catalunya [Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia], 2002.
  • “La inoponibilidad y la constitución Per Tolre Fraus” (“The non-opposability and the constitution Per Tolre Fraus”), in Libro-Homenaje al Excmo. Sr. D. Luis Díez Picazo. Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2002.
  • Reply to the entrance speech of Ana Mª Gil Lafuente “La Gestión estratégica del Inmovilizado” (“The strategic management of fixed assets”). Barcelona: Real Academia de Doctores [Royal Academy of Doctors], 2004.
  • “Incidencia de la Ley Concursal en la Resolución de los Contratos con Obligaciones Reciprocas” (“Impact of the Bankruptcy Law on the Termination of Contracts with Reciprocal Obligations”), in Revista de Derecho Mercantil. Madrid, 2004. pp. 651-680.
  • “Incidencia de la Ley Concursal en la Resolución de los Contratos con Obligaciones Reciprocas” (“Impact of the Bankruptcy Law on the Termination of Contracts with Reciprocal Obligations”), in Libro-Homenaje al Profesor Excmo. Sr. D. Manuel Albadalejo. Murcia: Colegio de Registradores de la Propiedad y Mercantiles de España; Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia, 2004. Volume II. pp. 3,839-3,875.
  • Reply to the speech of Elias Campo on entering the Acadèmia de Jurisprudència i Legislació de Catalunya [Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia], which covered “Aspectos del Convenio y del Laudo Arbitral vistos por un Notario. Cuestiones en la nueva ley” (“Aspects of the Agreement and of the Arbitration Ruling as seen by a Notary Public. Questions in the new law”), in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya, issue 1.
    -Obituary for Lluis M. Capell i Bregada “In memoriam: Lluís Maria Capell”, in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya, issue 1 (2005).
  • The Constitution given in Monzon in 1547 by the Prince and Lieutenant de Carlos, Felipe: "La Inoponibilidad y la Anotación Preventiva de Demanda del Art. 42 de la Ley Hipotecaria” (“The Non-Opposability and Preventive Annotation of Action of Article 42 of the Mortgage Act”), in Anales de la Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación [Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation], issue 35 (2005).
  • “De la retroacción al retorno de las acciones rescisorias” (“From retrospection to the return of revocatory actions”), in Estudios sobre la ley concursal: Libro-Homenaje al Excmo. Sr. D. Manuel Olivencia. Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2005. Volume IV. pp. 4.279-4.330.
  • “Los derechos de crédito como objeto de trafico: la subrogación” (“Credit rights as object of transaction: subrogation”), in Libro-Homenaje al Excmo. Sr. D. Mario Pifarre. Barcelona: Escuela de Empresariales de la Universidad De Barcelona, 2005.
  • "El usufructo en Cataluña" ("Usufruct in Catalonia"), in Noticias Jurídicas <> [1 December 2005]
  • "La responsabilidad de los herederos" ("The liability of heirs"), in Noticias Jurídicas <> [1 December 2005]
  • “La reforma del Código Civil, la admisión de matrimonios homosexuales y efectos reflejos en el ordenamiento jurídico español” (“The reform of the Civil Code, the admission of homosexual marriages and reflex effects on the Spanish legal system”), in Anales de la Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación [Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation], issue 36 (2006), pp. 549-592.
  • “La integración jurídica en Europa: ¿un código común?” (“Legal integration in Europe: a common code?”), in Veinte años de España en la integración europea. Barcelona: Real Academia Ciencias Económicas y Financieras [Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences], 2006.
  • “El Derecho natural y su proyección en la vida social” (“Natural law and its protection in social life”), in Liber-amicorum en honor al Dr. Ángel Sánchez de La Torre: Veritas fons ivstitiae. Madrid: Universidad Complutense Madrid. Facultad de Derecho. Departamento de Filosofía del Derecho, Moral y Política, 2008.
  • “De la Jurisprudencia Romana a la Acción Pauliana Concursal” (“From Roman Jurisprudence to the Revocatory Bankruptcy Action”), in Libro Homenaje al Excmo. Sr. D. José Antonio Escudero. Madrid: Real Academia de Historia [Royal Academy of History] and Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación [Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation].
  • “Literalidad y Justicia del caso concreto. Aplicación del núm. 6 del art. 87 de la Ley Concursal” (“Literality and Justice of the specific case. Application of issue 6 of Article 87 of the Bankruptcy Act”), in Anales de la Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación [Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation], issue 39, pp. 558-594).
  • “Literalidad y justicia del caso concreto. Aplicación del issue 6 del art. 87 de la Ley concursal” (“Literality and Justice of the specific case. Application of issue 6 of Article 87 of the Bankruptcy Act”), in Revista De Derecho Mercantil, 2009.
  • “De la acción pauliana, a la retroacción y tras ella, de nuevo a una remozada pauliana configurada por la Ley concursal” (“From the revocatory action to retrospection and, after it, again to a revocatory renovation configured by the Bankruptcy Act”). Collaboration with publication on the Bankruptcy Act for a book of Section 4 of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras [Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences]. Barcelona, 2010.
  • “Crisis matrimonial: Nulidad constitutiva y revelación sobrevenida, ruptura sobrevenida, divorcio y subsistencia del vínculo y disolución de los efectos civiles” (“Marriage crisis: Constitutional annulment and unforeseen revelation, unforeseen break-up, divorce and continuation of the tie and dissolution of the civil effects”), in Religión, matrimonio y derecho ante el siglo XXI : estudios en homenaje al profesor Rafael Navarro-Valls. Madrid: Iustel, 2013.
  • “Responsabilitat civil extracontractual i terminis de prescripció” (“Extracontractual civil liability and expiry terms”), in Món Jurídic, issue 251 (October 2010), pp. 20-21.
  • "Compensación y concurso: una precisión importante sobre el art. 58 Ley Concursal: sentencia de la APB de 26 de enero de 2011 " ("Compensation and bankruptcy proceedings, a necessary clarification of article 58 of the Insolvency Act. APB’s ruling of 26 January 2011"), in Inmueble, issue  109 pages 46-47 (March 2011).
  • "L’extraordinària magnitud de l’esforç dels compiladors transcendeix més enllà de la simple promulgació de la Compilació" ("The outstanding significance of compilation work beyond the mere enactment of Compilation"), in Iuris Privati Tatum, issue  2 (2011). Special issue 50th Anniversary of Catalunya’s Civil Law Compilation. Pages 54-65.
  • "La regulación sucesoria en el Derecho común y el Derecho civil de Cataluña en relación con los derechos de terceros adquirentes de bienes inmuebles inscritos en el Registro en virtud del acto dispositivo del heredero aparente" ("Regulation of succession in Common Law and the Catalan Civil Law, respective of the rights of third parties acquiring Registry-recorded real estate by virtue of heir apparent legal instrument"), in La Notaria, 2/2011, p. 40-47.
  • "De la acción pauliana a la sustitución de la retroacción en la quiebra y el consiguiente retorno a la acción rescisoria, pasando por las singularidades históricas y la inoponibilidad como expresión de la constante lucha de la humanidad contra el fraude" ("From fraudulent conveyance, backdating of bankruptcy substitution and the subsequent return to annulment action, to historical uniqueness and unenforceability, as a form of expressing humankind's constant battle to tackle fraud"), in Homenaje a José Antonio Escudero.  Madrid: UCM, 2012. Vol. I, p. 1017-1057. ISBN 978-84-9938-062-9.
  • Author of a prologue to a book entitled "Cuando el Hombre comienza a ser historia" ("When the man becomes history"), by Mr. Ángel Martínez Sarrión. Madrid: Fundación Matritense del Notariado, 2012. ISBN 978-84-616-0509-5.
  • "El derecho como amortiguador de la inequidad en los cambios y en la economía como impulso rehumanizador" ("The law as an absorber of the impact of inequality in changes and as a rehumanizing impulse in the economy", in "La transformació del món després de la crisi: una anàlisi polièdrica i transversal" ("The transformation of the world after the crisis: a multi-sided, cross-sided analysis. Opening session, academic year 2012-2013 of the Spanish Royal Academy of Doctors"). Palau de Pedralbes [Barcelona], October 23rd, 2012. p. 5-51.
  • "Crisis matrimonial: el drama de los divorciados vueltos a casar" ("Marital crisis: Remarrying after a divorce"). Published in: Religión, matrimonio y derecho ante el siglo XXI ("Religion, marriage and Law in the XXI century"). Madrid: Iustel 2013. Volume II, page 2477-2504.
  • "Don Ramon Maria Roca Sastre", in Notario del siglo XXI, issue  49 (May-June 2013).
  • "Articles seleccionats: premi Puig Salellas edició 2011" ("Selected articles. Puig Salellas Award, 2011 edition"). Madrid: Col·legi de Notaris de Catalunya, Marcial Pons, 2013. 360 p.
  • "Contestación al discurso de ingreso en la Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras" ("A reply to the admission speech on entering the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences"), in Gay Montalvo, Eugenio. Los derechos económicos y sociales de los ciudadanos ante la actual crisis económica, desde una perspectiva constitucional (The citizens' economic and social rights in the current recession scenario, from a constitutional viewpoint). Barcelona: Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras [Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences], 2013.
  • "Contestación al discurso de ingreso en la Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras" ("A reply to the admission speech of Alfonso Hernández-Moreno entering the Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences"), in Hernández-Moreno, Alfonso. "Antichresis o contrarium mutuum: breve ensayo de una solución jurídica para un problema económico" ("Antichresis o contrarium mutuum: A brief study of a legal solution to an economic problem"). Barcelona: Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras [Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences], 2014.
  • "Don Ramón Faus Esteve", in Notario del siglo XXI, issue  54 (March-April 2014).
  • "Testamentos: se valida la prohibición de intervención judicial" ("Wills: the ban on judicial intervention is validated"), in La Razón, Wednesday 2 July 2014.
  • "El Dret De Superfície" ("The Surface Right"), in Annals de l'Acadèmia de Jurisprudència i Legislació de Catalunya III Barcelona III [curs acadèmic 2008-2009] (Annals of the Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia III [academic year 2008-2009]). Barcelona: Acadèmia de Jurisprudència i Legislació de Catalunya [Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia], 2014.
  • "L'extraordinària magnitud de l'esforç dels compiladors trascendeix més enllà de la simple promulgació de la Compilació" ("The extraordinary magnitude of the effort of the compilers goes beyond the simple enactment of the compilation"), in Annals de l'Acadèmia de Jurisprudència i Legislació de Catalunya III [curs acadèmic 2008-2009] (Annals of the Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia] III [academic year 2008-2009]). Barcelona: Acadèmia de Jurisprudència i Legislació de Catalunya [Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia], 2014.
  • Reply to the speech by His Excellency Mr José Ángel Martínez Sanchiz as he joined the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation. "Quo legitima tangitur: la intangibilidad cualitativa de la legítima"("Quo legitima tangitur: the qualitative intangibility of the legitimate portion"). Read in Madrid on the 15th of December, 2014. Madrid: Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación [Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation], 2014.
  • "La imprescindible visión global" ("The essential global vision"), in Revista Tribuna Plural, issue  5 (First Quarter 2015, January-April), Real Academia de Doctores [Royal Academy of Doctors] (May 2015).
  • "Estat laic i societat plurireligiosa. Discurs d'ingrés de l'acadèmic Lluís Martínez Sistach i contestació de l'acadèmic Josep-Joan Pintó Ruiz" ("Secular state and multireligious society. Admission speech of academician Lluís Martínez Sistach and its reply by academician Josep-Joan Pintó Ruiz"). Read on the 10th of November, 2015. Barcelona: Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación de Cataluña [Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia], 2015. 51 p.
  • "Reflexions vers la tàcita revocació de testament per la incidencia del divorci, la nul.litat o la separació en el matrimoni o la unió de fet entre el causant (o la causant) i l'hereu (o hereva)" ("Reflections on tacit testament revocation on account of divorce, marriage or domestic partnership annulment or separation, between testator and inheritor" (15-2-2011)), in Anales de la Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación de Cataluña (Annals of the Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia), [2015], issue 4.
  • "Celeridad en el arbitraje compensando su coste. Jornada El arbitraje: una vía alternativa a la resolución de conflictos" ("Swiftness in Arbitration While Offsetting Its Costs. Conference on Arbitration: An Alternative to Conflict Resolution"), in Anales de la Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación de Cataluña (Annals of the Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia), [2016], issue 5.
  • "La perdurabilidad de la familia" ("The perpetuation of family"), in El futur del dret de familia: homenatge a Francesc Vega Sala (The Future of Family Law: a Tribute to Francesc Vega Sala). [Barcelona] Catalan Society of Family Attorneys, [2016], p. 219-228.
  • "Contestació al discurs de l'Emm. i Rvdm. Sr. Cardenal Arquebisbe de Barcelona Dr. Lluís Martínez Sistach" ("Reply to the Eminent and Most Reverend Mr. Cardinal Archbishop of Barcelona Lluís Martínez Sistach's Speech"), in Revista Jurídica de Catalunya, issue 2 (2016), p. 407-420.
  • "Europa, el mundo y su futuro" ("Europe, the World and Its Future"), in "El comportamiento de los actores económicos ante el reto del futuro" (The Behaviour of Economic Players Before the Challenge of Future. 11th International Ceremony of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (Barcelona, November 10th, 2016). Barcelona: La Caixa, 2017. P. 245-264.
  • "¿Cuál es el papel del derecho y de los juristas al servicio de la libertad?" ("What Is the Role of Law and the Jurists at the Service of Freedom?"), in "Libertad, igualdad, solidaridad: tres principios, una democracia; la liberal" ("Freedom, Equality, Solidarity: Three Principles, One Democracy; Liberal Democracy"). [Barcelona]: JM Bosch, DL 2017.
  • "La necesidad de institucionalizar la constancia de un fundamento como causa eficiente del pacto sucesorio" ("The need to institutionalize the basis of reason as sufficient cause in agreement as to succession"), in Annals de l'Acadèmia de Jurisprudència i Legislació de Catalunya [Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia], VI (2016). Barcelona: Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia , [2017].
  • "Utilización de fuentes europeas, convencionales e internas en supuestos ante autoridades españolas" ("The Use of European, Conventional and Internal Sources in Postulations in front of Spanish Authorities"), in Annals of the Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia, VI (2016). Barcelona: Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia, [2017].
  • "La virtud denominada «Humanidad» y su transcendencia jurídica con motivo del homenaje por mi 50 aniversario como Académico (Comunicació 4/4/2017)" ("A Virtue Called «Humanity» and its Juridical Significance on the Occasion of the Tribute Paid to Me in Celebration of my 50th Year as an Academic (4-4-2017))", in Annals of the Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia, VII (2017). Barcelona: Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia [2018], p.87-90.

Articles published in Economist & Jurist

  • "Disposiciones afectantes al tráfico de los bienes inmuebles" ("Provisions affecting the traffic of real estate property"). M. Ginesta de Puig (col.), in Economist & Jurist, issue 1 (March 1992).
  • "Modificación del reglamento hipotecario en materia de ejecución de hipotecas" ("Amendment of the mortgage regulations in terms of execution of mortgages") / in collaboration with M. Ginesta de Puig, in Economist & Jurist, issue 2 (May 1992).
  • "La Ley de 7 de julio y la configuración de sociedades y fondos de inversión" ("The Law of 7 July and the configuration of investment companies and funds"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 3 (September 1992).
  • "Ley 7/VII/92 que modifica la de 11/XI/87 de propiedad intelectual" ("Law 7/VII/92 amending the intellectual property law of 11/XI/87"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 3 (September 1992).
  • "Nueva reforma del reglamento de la Ley Hipotecaria y del reglamento notarial" ("New reform of the Mortgage Act regulations and the notarial regulations"). M. Ginesta de Puig (col.), in Economist & Jurist, issue 5 (March 1993).
  • "Modificación parcial de los reglamentos notarial e hipotecario inmobiliario" ("Partial amendment of the notarial regulations and property mortgage regulations"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 5 (March 1993).
  • "La Retroacción en la quiebra : efectos hipotecarios en la compraventa de inmuebles". ("Retrospection in bankruptcy: mortgage effects on the sale of property") Isabel de Puig y de Olano (col.), in Economist & Jurist, issue 8 (October/November 1993).
  • "Las Relaciones patrimoniales entre cónyugues: ley 8/1993 de 30 de septiembre. Contenido de la reforma de la compilación de Derecho Civil de Cataluña" ("Equity relations between spouses: Law 8/1993 of 30 September 1993. Content of the reform of the compilation of Civil Law of Catalonia"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 9 (January 1994).
  • "La Doctrina del 'levantamiento del velo' : inoponibilidad de la cobertura" ("The doctrine of the 'lifting of the veil': non-opposability of cover"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 12 (October/December 1994).
  • "La Aparente insolvencia : el velo jurídico" ("The apparent insolvency: the legal veil"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 13 (January/March 1995).
  • "Las Medidas cautelares en el proceso civil : formularios (I)" ("Precautionary measures in civil proceedings: forms (I)"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 14 (April/June 1995).
  • "Las Medidas cautelares en el proceso civil (II)" ("Precautionary measures in civil proceedings: forms (II)"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 15 (July/September 1995).
  • "Las Medidas cautelares (III). Medidas con relación a los bienes muebles" ("Precautionary measures (III). Measures in relation to chattels"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 17 (January-February 1996).
  • "Medidas cautelares previstas en la Ley de defensa de la competencias y medidas cautelares en materia de competencia desleal" ("Precautionary measures set out in the Antitrust Law and precautionary measures in terms of unfair competition"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 19 (May/June 1996).
  • "Medidas cautelares especiales : el derecho de retención" ("Special precautionary measures: the right of retention"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 20 (July/August 1996).
  • "La Presentación tardía de documentos fundamentales en el Proceso Civil" ("The late submission of fundamental documents in Civil Proceedings"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 23 (January/February 1997).
  • "La Defensa frente a la invocación de la doctrina del levantamiento del velo" ("The defence against the invocation of the doctrine of the lifting of the veil"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 27 (September/October 1997).
  • "Garantías del pago del precio aplazado en la compra-venta de bienes inmuebles" ("Payment guarantees of the deferred price in the sale of real estate property"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 29 (January/February 1998).
  • "El Euro y la estabilidad y subsistencia de las relaciones jurídicas nacidas antes de la implantación de aquél" ("The euro and the stability and continued existence of the legal relations created before its implementation"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 32 (July/August 1998)
  • "La Tardanza en la resolución de los pleitos" ("Delay in rulings on lawsuits"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 33 (September/October 1998).
  • "Instrumentos de defensa del deudor a quien se embargan bienes cuyo valor excede exorbitantemente de la cantidad que se reclama en procedimiento" ("Defence instruments of the debtor whose assets are seized whose value exorbitantly exceeds the sum claimed in proceedings"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 40, (November-December 1999).
  • "Anulación parcial del Reglamento de la Ley Hipotecaria" ("Partial annulment of the Mortgage Act Regulations"), in Economist & Jurist issue 43, (May-June 2000)
  • "Anotaciones preventivas en la nueva LEC. Instrucción 12 de diciembre de 2000 de la DGNR" ("Preventive annotations in the new LEC. Instruction 12 of December 2000 of the DGNR"), in Economist & Jurist issue 47, (January-February 2001).
  • "Lo más importante de la reforma hipotecaria" ("The most important aspects of the mortgage reform"), in Economist & Jurist issue 57, (February 2002)
  • "La nova regulació de la Prescripció i Caducitat en el Codi Civil Català" ("The new Lapse and Expiry regulation in the Catalan Civil Code"), in Economist & Jurist Edició Catalunya issue 5, (April/June 2003)
  • "Prescripción y Caducidad" ("Lapse and Expiry"), in Economist & Jurist. Información al día. Derechos territoriales de Cataluña issue 69, (April 2003).
  • "Una nueva causa de indignidad sucesoria. Un supuesto de necesaria interpretación integrativa" ("A new cause of inheritance indignity. A case of necessary integrative interpretation"), in Economist & Jurist issue 74 (October 2003).
  • "Seguridad jurídica y Justicia del caso concreto" ("Legal safety and justice of the specific case"), in Economist & Jurist issue 94 (October 2005).
  • "La transmisión de créditos y de deudas. Una singular especialidad: transmisión de crédito hipotecario por la sola voluntad del deudor" ("The transfer of credits and debts. A singular speciality: transfer of mortgage credit at the sole will of the debtor"), in Economist & Jurist extraordinary issue 100 (May 2006).
  • "La Solución Práctica más Fácil Y Elemental del Fenómeno "Okupa". El Procedimiento Civil Idóneo: Su Fundamento y Consecuencias Prácticas. El Fenómento Okupa: Defensa del Perjudicado" ("The easiest and most elementary practical solution of the "Squatter" phenomenon. The perfect civil proceedings: its grounds and practical consequence. The Squatter Phenomenon: Defence of the Injured Party"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 108 pp 28 to 34 (March 2007).
  • "La accesión por construcción extralimitada en el Código Civil de Cataluña" ("Accession due to excessive construction in the Civil Code of Catalonia"), in Economist & Jurist (Ed. Catalunya), issue 21 (2nd Quarter 2007).
  • "La hipoteca inversa" ("The inverse mortgage"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 117 (February 2008).
  • “¿Cuántas veces el cliente nos cuenta su caso, y resulta que tiene toda la razón pero la Ley no se la da? [La determinación del derecho en el caso concreto. Seguridad jurídica y justicia del caso concreto. Ley aplicable y determinación inicial. Equidad y ordenamiento jurídico]” (“How many times does the client tell us their case and it turns out that they are completely right but the Law doesn't see it that way? [The determination of the law in the specific case. Legal safety and justice of the specific case. Applicable law and initial determination. Equity and legal system]”), in Economist & Jurist, issue 122 (July/August 2008).
  • “El Derecho de Opción en el Libro V del Código Civil de Catalunya” (“The Right of option in Book V of the Civil Code of Catalonia”), in Economist & Jurist (Ed. Catalunya). Part I published in issue 125 (4th Quarter 2008). Part II published in issue 130 (2nd Quarter –2009).
  • “Reforma de la Ley Concursal ¿Resucita el expediente de suspensión de pagos? Se Trata de algo distinto, pero afín” (“Reform of the Bankruptcy Act. Does it revive the temporary receivership case? It is different but similar”), in Economist & Jurist, issue 132. (July/August 2009).
  • "Acuerdo de mediación. Ejecución forzosa. Atención al artículo 517 de la LEC" ("Mediation Agreement. Enforcement. Attention to Article 517 of the Criminal Procedure Act (LEC)"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 143 (September 2010).
  • "A debate: ¿cabe proponer prueba en la vista de un incidente concursal?" ("Debate on the suitability of proposing evidence in bankruptcy-related hearings"), in Economist & Jurist, issue  146 (December-January 2011), pages 42-45.
  • "Los créditos contra la masa en el concurso de acreedores" ("The credit against the estate in bankruptcy"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 150 (May 2011).
  • "Autonomía de la voluntad (Editorial)"( "Autonomy of the Will"), in Economist & Jurist, issue  152, page 1. (July-August 2011).
  • "Reforma de la LEC : proceso de ejecución y realización" (“Amendment of the Criminal Procedure Act: execution and performance”), in Economist & Jurist, issue  153 (August 2011).
  • "La función del abogado" ("The role of the lawyer"), in Economist & Jurist, issue nº. 158 (marzo 2012), pages 84-86.
  • "Recurso de casación en Cataluña" ("Filing an Appeal of Cassation in Catalonia"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 159, page 6.
  • "Facultad de resolver implícita y resolución expresa: caducidad convenida de la llamada condición resolutoria expresa en la compraventa. El transcurso del plazo de la caducidad convenida de la acción resolutoria así pactada, deja incólume la facultad del Art. 1124 del Código Civil, que resta viva dentro del plazo ordinario de 15 años" ("Implicit and express ruling: the agreed-upon expiry of the express resolutory condition in purchase and sale procedures. Elapse of the agreed-upon expiry term of resolutory actions leaves harmless the capacity for resolution provided by Article 1124 of the Civil Code, as it remains to be valid within the ordinary 15-year term"), in Economist & Jurist, issue  159. pages 9-10.
  • "Reflexions vers la tàcita revocació de testament per la incidència del divorci, la nul.litat o la separació en el matrimoni o en la unió de fet entre el causant (o la causant) i l'hereu (o hereva)"("Reflections on tacit testament revocation on account of divorce, nullity or separation or domestic partnership between testator and inheritor"), in Economist & Jurist, Catalonia Edition (2nd term 2011), pages 8- 20.
  • "El nou recurs de cassació a Catalunya" ("The new appeal of Cassation in Catalonia"), in Economist & Jurist, issue. 160 (Catalunya edition, 2nd quarter 2012).
  • "Honra" ("Honour"), in Economist & Jurist, issue  162 (July-August 2012), page 1.
  • "El artículo 1.124 y el artículo 1.504 del Código Civil: su aplicación práctica, su conexión con los artículos 11 de la ley hipotecaria y 59 de su reglamento" ("Article issue 1,124 and Article issue 1,504 from the Civil Code; their practical implementation and their connection with article issue 11, from Mortgage Act and article issue 59, from the Ruling"), in Economist & Jurist, issue  163 (September 2012), pages 14-25.
  • "La augusta función de juzgar" ("The august function of judging "), in Economist & Jurist, issue nº. 165 (November 2012), page 1.
  • "Medidas cautelares : velocidad y seguridad de acierto en el proceso" ("Precautionary measures: Procedural speediness and certainty of success), in Economist & Jurist, issue  167 (February 2013), page 1.
  • "Dación en pago, hipoteca de responsabilidad limitada, y subrogación hipotecaria y la crisis actual: precisiones conceptuales" ("Dation in payment, limited liabitility mortgages and mortgage subrogation in the current recession scenario: conceptual clarifications"), in Economist & Jurist, issue  170 (May 2013), pages 32-35.
  • "El principio de vencimiento y el art. 24 de la Constitución" ("The Principle of Maturity and article 24 of the Spanish Constitution"), in Economist & Jurist, issue  172 (July 2013).
  • "Entrevista especial als ex degans i actual degà de l'ICAB: entrevista a Sr. José Juan Pintó Ruiz, degà entre 1978-1982" ("Interview conducted with the former deans, and current dean, of the Barcelona Bar Association: an interview made to Mr. José Juan Pintó Ruiz, dean of the Bar between 1978 and 1982"), in Economist & Jurist, Catalonia edition, third quarter 2013, pages 7-8.
  • "Nota a las conclusiones de la reunión de magistrados de lo mercantil de Madrid sobre criterios de aplicación de la reforma de la ley de apoyo a emprendedores, sobre cuestiones concursales" ("Comments on the conclusions reached after the celebration of Madrid corporate magistrates' meeting, regarding criteria for enforcement of the amendment of the Act for support of Entrepreneurs, on bankruptcy matters"), in Economist & Jurist, issue  175 (November 2013), pages 30-31.
  • "Cónyuge declarado en concurso y afección a los bienes del consorte" ("Insolvent spouse and effects of said insolvency in the other spouse's assets"), in Economist & Jurist, issue  177 (February 2014).
  • "Atención. Reglamento de sucesiones de la UE: se aplica a la sucesión de las personas que fallezcan a partir del 17 de agosto de 2015" ("Attention: European Regulations on inheritance: it will be applicable for the succession of people deceased after August 17th 2015"), in Economist & Jurist, issue  191 (June 2015).
  • "La libertad de testar y los pactos sucesorios en el Código Civil de Cataluña: Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación, ponencia curso académico 2014-2015" ("The freedom to make a will and succession agreements in the Civil Code of Catalonia"), in Economist & Jurist, issue  192 (July-August 2015).
  • "Atención: se puede atribuir 'la doble' paternidad o maternidad 'ope legis' a 2 consortes del mismo sexo" ("Please note that the 'double' ope legis (by law) paternity or maternity can be referred to same-sex spouses"), in Economist & Jurist, issue  193 (September 2015)
  • "Precisiones en torno a las llamadas cláusulas abusivas y prevención del fraude de ley" ("Clarification of matters around the so-called unfair terms and fraud prevention", in Economist & Jurist, issue 199 (April 2016).
  • "El torrente incontenible de promulgaciones legislativas y la revista" ("The overwhelming deluge of new law enactment and this magazine"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 200 (May 2016).
  • "Más sobre la hipoteca: el tránsito a su debilitación" ("More on mortgages: its changeover to debilitation", in Economist & Jurist issue 206 (December 2016), p. 12-25.
  • "Libertad individual" ("Individual Freedom"), in Economist & Jurist issue 207 (February 2017), p. 1.
  • "Inflación legislativa" ("Legislative inflation"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 211 (June 2017), p. 1.
  • "La certeza del derecho" ("The certainty of Law"),  in Economist & Jurist, issue 212 (July-August 2017), p.1.
  • "Inoponibilidad de la venta fraudulenta" ("Unopposability of Fraudulent Sales"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 211 (June 2017), p. 16-21.
  • "El deber de atenerse al sistema de fuentes del ordenamiento jurídico español" ("The Duty to Abide by the System of Legal Sources in Spanish Legal Order), in Economist & Jurist, issue 213 (september 2017).
  • "Derecho a conocer los orígenes" ("The right to know one's origins", in Economist & Jurist, issue 214 (october 2017).
  • "El art. 114.3 de la LH difunto "de facto" sin derogación" ("The Article 114.3 of the Mortgage Act Is De Facto Dead Without Any Derogation"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 215 (november 2017).
  • "The Cassation Appeal" ("El recurso de casación"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 216 (December 2017).
  • "Jerarquía de valores" ("Hierarchy of Values"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 217 (February 2018).
  • "Trascendencia jurídica del desafecto familiar" ("Legal Significance of the Lack of Family Affection"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 218 (March 2018).
  • "El inicio de la vida humana" ("The Beginning of Human Life"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 219 (April 2018).
  • "La llamada exclusividad de la potestad jurisdiccional" ("The So-Called Exclusivity of Judicial Power"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 220 (May 2018).
  • "El cambio de domicilio y la movilidad incluso transfonteriza de las sociedades ("Societies' change of domicile and mobility, even cross-border"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 222 (July 2018).
  • La muerte: su realidad y alcance" ("Death: Its Reality and Significance"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 223 (September 2018).
  • "El ADN" (The DNA"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 224 (October 2018).
  • "Gratitud" ("Gratitude"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 225 (November 2018). 
  • "Los tres poderes" ("The Three Powers"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 227 (February 2019).
  • "Morir y renacer" ("To Die and to Be Reborn"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 228 (March  2019), p. 1.
  • "Quod natura non dat, salamanca non prestat", in Economist & Jurist, issue 229 (April 2019), p. 1.
  • "La coexistencia en España de diversos ordenamientos jurídicos" ("The Coexistence of Different Legal Systems in Spain"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 230 (May 2019), p. 1.
  • "El llamado testamento genético" ("The So Called Genetic Testament"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 231 (June 2019), p. 1.
  • "Hacia la esperable unidad mundial" ("Towards the Expected World Unity"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 232 (July-August 2019), p. 1.
  • "El codicilio de la reina Isabel otorgado en Medina del Campo el 23 de noviembre de 1504 y la codificación" ("Queen Isabel's Codicil Awarded in Medina del Campo on November 23rd 1504 and Codification"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 233 (September 2019), p. 1.
  • "Seguridad jurídica, certeza y claridad: ordenación" ("Legal Security, Certainty and Clarity: Ordinance"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 234 (October 2019), p. 1.
  • "La igualdad" ("The equality"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 235 (November 2019), p. 1.
  • "Necesidad del recurso de casación" ("The Need For a Cassation Appeal", in Economist & Jurist, issue 236 (December 2019), p.1.
  • "La paz social" ("Social peace"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 237 (February 2020), p. 1.
  • "La paz social" ("Social peace"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 238 (March 2020), p. 1.
  • "El retraso desleal en el ejercicio de un derecho como conducta abusiva: la 'verwirkung'" ("Disloyal Delay in the Exercise of Rights as Abusive Behaviour: the 'Verwirkung'"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 239 (April 2020), p. 1.
  • "El coordinador de parentalidad" ("The Parenting Coordinator"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 240 (May 2020), p. 1.
  • "La inoponibilidad" ("Unenforceability"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 241 (June 2020), p. 1.
  • "La causa: salvaguarda de la decencia" ("The Lawsuit: Safeguarding Decadence"), in Economist & Jurist, issue 242 (July-August 2020), p. 1.
  • Speaker at the International Law and Sport Congress with the paper “Liability in Sports Injuries” (Barcelona, 1992) -“Life and Law” (Tarragona, 1994)
  • “The new LAU” (Tarragona, 1995)
  • “The future of foundations in Europe” (Seville, 1995)
  • “Chapters of separation” (Barcelona: Barcelona Bar Association, 1996)
  • “Analysis of capacity and incompatibility requirements of arbitrators” (Barcelona, Tribunal Arbitral de Barcelona, 1996)
  • “Collaboration by companies with non profit-making organisations: a mutual benefit” (Barcelona, ESADE, 1997)
  • “The social function of the lawyer” (Barcelona, 1997)
  • National Alzheimer’s Conference (Navarre, 1997)
  • “The new LEC: the proof” (Barcelona, 1997)
  • “The euro and the stability and continued existence of the legal relations created before its implementation” (Barcelona, Cámara de la Propiedad Urbana, 1998)
  • “The family code” (Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya, 1998)
  • “The civil code: legal considerations on financial provision rights between relatives, Diputació de Barcelona, 1998)
  • “The elderly” (Barcelona, 1998)
  • “Sponsorship and patronage” (Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya, 1998)
  • “Rural leases, Tenant Farmers Act” (Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya, 1999)
  • “Comment on the Catalan civil laws” (Barcelona, 1999)
  • Tribute speech to Ramon Mª Roca-Sastre (Cervera, 1999)
  • Compilation of civil law (Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya, 1999)
  • Tribute to Salvador Millet i Bel (Barcelona, Asociación Española de Productores de Fibras Químicas, 1999)
  • Tribute speech to mark the Centenary of the Birth of Ramón Mª Roca-Sastre (Barcelona, 1999)
  • “The principle of biological truth and the jurisprudence of the old Court of Cassation of Catalonia” (Madrid, Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación (Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation), 2000)
  • “The express condition subsequent: reform of the mortgage regulations” (Tortosa, 2000)
  • “Orality and new forensic practice” (Barcelona, ESADE, 2000)
  • “Consumer protection in real estate property under construction” (Barcelona, CIDDRIM, 2000)
  • “Proof” (Barcelona, Instituto de Derecho y Economía (ISDE), 2000)
  • “Current accounts not used in 20 years go the state” (Barcelona, 2000)
  • Seminar on research and development and innovation (Barcelona, 2000)
  • “The sources of the arbitration decision: arbitrator training course” (Barcelona, Tribunal Arbitral de Barcelona, 2000)
  • Opening of conference on immigration (Barcelona, Fundació “La Caixa”, 2001)
  • The prospering and determination of the Law: the function of the lawyer  (Andorra, 2001)
  • Speaker at the 3rd La Caixa and Banco de Europa Conference with the Paper “Trade and new technologies” (Seville, 2001) -Tribute to Francisco de P. Condomines i Valls (Cervera, Fundació Roca-Sastre, 2001)
  • Closing of the Foundations Congress (Barcelona, Fundació “La caixa”, 2001)
  • Speaker in the course on inheritance law in Catalonia with the papers “Inheritance usufructs: various forms and figures: the "owner, holder and usufructuary" formula in the 5th and 6th session: “Inheritance trust and the permanence of the hereditary title” (Cervera, 2002)
  • Speaker in the course on inheritance law in Catalonia with the paper “Children under set conditions" in the 5th and 6th session: “Inheritance trust and the permanence of the hereditary title” (Cervera, 2002)
  • Speaker in the course on inheritance law in Catalonia with the paper “Executors: execution of the will in the event of institution of only generically determined persons, of charitable works or foundations to be set up " in the 5th and 6th session: “Inheritance trust and the permanence of the hereditary title” (Cervera, 2002)
  • Speaker in the course on inheritance law in Catalonia with the paper “Responsibility of the heirs: the faculty of deliberation, the benefit of inventory and the benefit of separation of assets, responsibility of beneficiaries and trustees" in the 7th and 8th session: “The dynamic of mortis causa inheritance. Course on inheritance law in Catalonia” (Cervera, 2002)
  • First class on the course “The legal thinking of Ramon Mª Roca-Sastre” with the master class “The legal thinking of Ramon Mª Roca-Sastre: the Catalan legal school and Ramón Mª Roca Sastre: his place in it: practical transcendence” (Cervera, 2003)
  • Second class on the course “The legal thinking of Ramon Mª Roca-Sastre” with the master class “The conception of Roca-Sastre, whereby the law is not created, but simply discovered, and the practical protection of justice” (Cervera, 2003)
  • Third class on the course “The legal thinking of Ramon Mª Roca-Sastre” with the master class “The attention of Roca-Sastre for the living tradition in close connection with the evolution of reality” (Cervera, 2003)
  • Obituary for José M. Coronas Alonso (Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras (Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences), 2004)
  • Initial session of the Postgraduate Course in Catalan Civil Law “The practical application of Catalan Civil Law” (Barcelona, 2004)
  • “Impact of the Bankruptcy Act on the contractual principle of conservation and on the solvability of the legal business” (Barcelona, Acadèmia de Jurisprudència i Legislació de Catalunya (Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia), 2004)
  • “The election or appointment of arbitrator, the law and arbitration " (Barcelona, Rotary Club de Barcelona, 2004)
  • “The European constitution and human rights” (Barcelona, Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras (Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences), 2005)
  • Speaker in the season of lectures on “Spanish arbitration law: experiences of its first year of existence” with the paper “The autonomy of will in arbitration proceedings” (Barcelona, Acadèmia de Jurisprudència i Legislació de Catalunya (Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia), 2005)
  • Obituary for Juan Vives Rodríguez de Hinojosa (Barcelona, Acadèmia de Jurisprudència i Legislació de Catalunya, 2005)
  • “The lawyer: the imminent legal-employment regulation of the profession” (Barcelona, ICAB, 2006)
  • Initial session of the Postgraduate Course in Catalan Civil Law “The practical application of Catalan Civil Law” (Barcelona, 2006)
  • “Employers’ responsibility in the collective exercise of the professional activity” (Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, CIDDRIM, 2006)
  • Speaker in the 2005/06 academic year with the master class “Alterations caused by the new LEC on the final effectiveness of the preventive annotation of action and the Catalan legal tradition: the Montsó Constitution of 1547 and the position of Justinian Roman law: current practice” (Barcelona, Acadèmia de Jurisprudència i Legislació de Catalunya (Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia, 2006)
  • Participation on the round table closing the course on construction law (Barcelona, Barcelona Bar Association, 2006)
  • Speaker in the Colloquium of Sílvia Giménez Salinas in Tribuna de Barcelona with the paper “Women and Justice” (Barcelona, 2006)
  • Initial session of the Postgraduate Course in Catalan Civil Law “The practical application of Catalan Civil Law” (Barcelona, 2007)
  • Second session in the Ninth Seminar “Autonomy and Justice” with the paper “The right to housing in the new Statute of Autonomy” (Consultative Council of the Generalitat de Catalunya, 2007)
  • Speaker at the conference on arbitration with the paper “Present and future of arbitration” (Granollers, Granollers Bar Association, 2007)
  • Presentation of the Congress on Bankruptcy Law ICAB/PRdV (Barcelona, 2007) -“50 years of the European Union: from the signing of the Treaty of Rome to the present day” (Barcelona, Fundación AEFE, 2007)
  • Speaker on the course on the mortgage today with the paper “The inverse mortgage – reform of the Mortgage Act 41/2007, of 8 December 2007” (Barcelona, Acadèmia de Jurisprudència i Legislació de Catalunya (Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia), 2008)
  • Obituary for Josep Maria Puig Salellas (Barcelona, Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras (Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciencies), 2008)
  • Reply to the speech of Eugenio Gay on entering the Acadèmia de Jurisprudència i Legislació de Catalunya (Barcelona, 2008)
  • Speaker on the 2008/09 academic year of the Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación (Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation) with the paper “Literality and justice of the specific case: application of issue 6 of Article 87 of the Bankruptcy Act” (Madrid, 2009)
  • Paper “The termination of the surface estate” (Barcelona, Acadèmia de Jurisprudència i Legislació de Catalunya (Barcelona, 2009)
  • Obituary for José M. Codony Val (Barcelona, Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras, 2009)
  • Prize-giving ceremony to award the Hidalga Cortesía Española gold medal (Barcelona, AEFE, 2009)
  • Speaker at the opening ceremony of the Comisión de Abogados de Empresa del ICAB with the paper “The in-house lawyer: value and singularities” (Barcelona, 2009)
  • Presentation of the book “Consejos de empresarios para empresarios” (“Tips by Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs”) (Barcelona, Difusión Jurídica, 2009)
  • Presentation of the book “Derecho de sucesiones catalán y español: concordancias y discordancias” (“Catalan and Spanish inheritance law: concordances and discordances”) (Madrid, Difusión Jurídica, 2009).
  • Study into the Constitutional Sexual and Reproductive Health Act and the voluntary termination of pregnancy (Madrid, Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación (Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation), 2009)
  • Speech “Mondialisation et gouvernance” (“Mondialisation and governance”) on the round table of the opening ceremony of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras (Barcelona, 2009)
  • Presentation of the book “Los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales en el contexto internacional” (“Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the International Context”), by Professor Pedro Francisco Gago Guerrero, which took place at the Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación (Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation), organised by Difusión Jurídica (Madrid, 2009)
  • Inauguration of the Business Law Conference: key aspects between the USA and the United Kingdom (Barcelona, ISDE/Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain/The Spain/US Chamber of Commerce, 2010)
  • Speaker at the Sixteenth Permanent Seminar on Human Rights with the paper “Freedom: human aspiration and legal affirmation”, given in Barcelona, ESADE, 2010
  • Speaker at the Fifth Conference on "Autonomy and Law" of the Consell de Garanties Estatutàries with the paper “Transcendence and practical consequences of the promulgation of the compilation of the Civil Law of Catalonia of 1960” (Barcelona, Association of Notaries Public of Catalonia and Bar Association of Catalonia, 2010)
  • Speaker in the 09/10 academic year of the Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación with the paper “It’s not always that which “should be” that reaches ontological virtuality, the singular supposition of Modestino’s text (D. XLII, 1, 28) and the thing judged” (Madrid, 2010)
  • Presentation of paper «Some thoughts on tacit revocation of will, following divorce, annulment or separation, in marriage or recognised non-marital union between the deceased and the beneficiary", during academic year 2010-2011 at Acadèmia de Jurisprudència i Legislació de Catalunya (Catalonian Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation) (Barcelona, 2011).
  • Presentation of paper «A review of article 1124 of the Civil Code », during academic year 2010-2011 of Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación (Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation) (Madrid, 2011).
  • Conference «Some issues arisen in connection with post-reform arbitration in Spain: The obligation of arbitration institutions to ensure arbitrators' capacities, transparency and independence (art. 14.3); responsibility of arbitrators and arbitration institutions (art. 21); the form, deadline and overreaching of arbitration awards (arts. 31 and 39); the Notary Public's arbitration role; an analysis of Act 11/2011 of reform of the arbitration procedure», at Col•legi de Notaris de Catalunya (Catalonia Association of Notaries) (Barcelona, 2012).
  • Presentation of «Inheritance Agreements in the context of marital crisis», at the las "II Jornades sobre el llibre segon del codi civil de catalunya", (Second Workshop on The Catalonia Civil Code – second Book), organized by Societat Catalana d'Advocats de Família (Catalan family Lawyers Association) - (Barcelona, 2012)
  • Paper on «The Principle of Liability and liability of administrators of companies involved in bankruptcy proceedings», presented before Members of the Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación (Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation), on 11 June 2012
  •  Presentation «Speediness in arbitration proceedings makes up for their costs », on Arbitration Workshop, held at Colegio de Abogados de Tortosa (Tortosa Bar Association) - (Tortosa, 2013)
  • Presentation «Enforcement of articles 1124 and 1504 of the Civil Code and article 11 of Mortage Law », during academic course 2012-2013 of Acadèmia de Jurisprudència i Legislació de Catalunya (Catalonian Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation) (2013)
  • Scientific session «Flexible adaptability to the economic disruptions on the Andorra legal system, fully consistent with the "ius comune" principle: prevalence of the principle of autonomy of the will», held at the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras (Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences) - Universidad de Andorra, 2013
  • Presentation «Significance of the preliminary title of the Civil Code in Family Law » at the Jornadas sobre Derecho de Familia (Working sessions on Family Law), organized by Societat Catalana d'Advocats de Família (Catalan Association of Family lawyers - Tarragona, 2013)
  • Speech on «the lawyer's role», at the Andorra Bar Association, during the celebration of the Sant Raimon de Penyafort Day (Andorra, 2013).
  • Obituary of Dr. José Casajuana Gibert, at the Real Academia de Doctores (Royal Academy of Doctors) (Barcelona, 2013)
  • Presentation «the multidisciplinary academy and its role on trascendent decisions» during the event marking the Centenary of the Real Academia de Doctores (Royal Academy of Doctors) (Barcelona, 2014)
  • Closing of the Conference "Social change and constitutional amendments" (Barcelona, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales y Real Academia de Doctores, 2015)
  • Conference on "The freedom to make a will and succession agreements in the Civil Code of Catalonia", academic year 2014-2015, Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras (Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences) (Madrid, 2015)
  • Closing ceremony of the 17th Masters in Family and Children Law and 16th Postgraduate and Masters in Catalonian Civil Law during the Legal Seminars «The coding of Civil Law in Catalonia: the right of individuals and family right. Latest trends in Civil Law in Catalonia» (Barcelona, Faculty of Law at the Universidad de Barcelona, June 2015)
  • Lecture on: "The need to institutionalize the basis of reason as sufficient cause in agreement as to succession" during the year 2015-2016 of the Acadmia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación de Cataluña (Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia) (Barcelona, January 2016)
  • Presentation of the work "Ciencia y realidades económicas: reto del mundo post-crisis a la actividad investigadora" ("Science and economic realities: post-crisis world's challenge to research activities"), during the 10th International Ceremony (Barcelona, Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras (Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences), February 2016)

Membership to Professional Associations
  • Numerary member of the Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación, he is also numerary member of the Academia de Doctores y Licenciados del Distrito Universitario de Barcelona and of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras
  • Honorary President of the Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economía (I.S.D.E.)
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the "Economist & Jurist" publication
  • Honorary President of MicroBank
  • He is a member of the Bar Associations of Barcelona, Madrid, Palma de Mallorca, Sant Feliu de Llobregat and Terrassa
  • Awarded the Cross of Honour of San Raimundo de Peñafort, the Cross of Merit in the Service of the Legal Profession of the General Council of the Spanish Bar Association and the Cross of Sant Jordi of the Generalitat de Catalunya
  • Spokesperson at the Observatory of Catalan Private Law
  • Vice President of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras
  • Español
  • Català

A lawyer must, essentially and fundamentally, serve exclusively his client's interests with no other limitations than current legislation, morality and decency.

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