This website is owned by:

PINTÓ RUIZ & DEL VALLE, S.L.P. (hereinafter PRDV)

C/Beethoven 13, 7º, 08021, Barcelona, España.

NIF B62031273.

Registered at the Barcelona Companies Registry, volume 32081, Sheet 5, page B-206428.

Telephone no.  93 2413020

Fax No. 93 4143885

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Use of this website is subject to the conditions of use that are detailed in the present section. Please read them carefully. Accessing, and using, this website implies your authorization and acceptance of the present conditions, without any reservations on your part, whatsoever. These conditions are irrespective of any other specific terms that might be required for using a given area or service at the website, which shall likewise be observed and shall prevail over the conditions of use hereby described, should any discrepancies arise.


PRDV reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the appearance, structure and contents of the website, as well as the present conditions of use and other special conditions that may exist for certain spaces, uses or services.

Please email us on  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for any enquiries, doubts or need for clarification with regards to present website's conditions of use.


Use of the website


This website contains material that PRDV has prepared for information purposes, only.

The materials, contents and information on this website have not been devised to be considered as legal advice services, and should not be considered as such under any circumstances. It is not advisable to act on the basis of the website's information without first seeking appropriate previous legal advice that takes into consideration the specific circumstances of each case or situation. PRDV does not assume liability for any damage arising from, or being connected with, the use of the website's contents.

User's access and use of this website does not imply that a professional relationship of any kind between said user and PRDV is established.

PRDV does not guarantee that the website's materials and contents are an exact reflection of the latest updates on legislation or jurisprudence concerning the issues being dealt with; likewise, PRDV does not assume liability for the preciseness or completeness of said contents or their being up to date.

User's access to this website is made at his/her own risk and responsibility. While making use of the present website, user undertakes to use it in conformity with the legislation in force, and shall be liable, before PRDV and/or any third parties, for any damage that might arise in the event of non-compliance with said obligation. User shall refrain from deleting, modifying, eluding or manipulating the website's protection devices or safety systems, and from performing any actions that may hinder or impede the normal use of the present website.

PRDV does not assume liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this website, or for any direct or indirect damages arising from using the website.

The links on this website may allow user to access other websites managed by third parties, and PRDV does not assume liability for their contents, information, errors or omissions. Likewise, the presence of said links does not imply that PRDV recommends or approves of their content. Thus, user shall access said sites at his/her sole responsibility, PRDV being fully released from any liabilities in this regard.

Notwithstanding the safety measures that may be taken, PRDV does not guarantee absence of virus or other elements that might damage, or alter, the user's computer system, nor assumes liability for said damage.

This intellectual and industrial property rights on this website and its contents and the information provided in it, are legally reserved, thus the user's access to the site, or his/her use of it, shall not imply the granting of rights, authorizations or licenses of any kind with respect to said rights, contents or information. Reproducing, transforming, distributing, carrying out public communication, making available, withdrawing, reusing, resending or using any of said rights by any means or procedures is expressly prohibited, unless express, written authorization of the corresponding rights' owner is provided.

User may visualize and obtain a temporary private copy of the website's contents for exclusive and personal use, provided that using said information is not intended for corporate, commercial or professional purposes.

Use of cookies


Definition and use of cookies

A cookie is a file downloaded to your your computer, tablet, phone or other terminal (hereinafter called device) when accessing our website. Cookies allow us to store and retrieve information about your browsing habits from your device and, depending on the information they contain, to recognize you as a user or client if you have signed up previously.

The information obtained is related, amongst other things, to the number of pages visited, as well as to the language, the location, the number of new users, the frequency of the visits, returning users, the duration of your visit, and the browser or device used for the visit.
In order to improve your navigation experience and to customize our services, PINTÓ RUIZ & DEL VALLE uses cookies specifically for the following purposes:

• Analysing the navigation behaviour (visited sections, where you clicked, etc.)
• Preventing fraudulent activities
• Maximizing the safety of our website


Types of cookies

There are two types of cookies depending on who is the entity managing the domain where the cookies are sent from and handling the data obtained: own and third-party cookies. The main difference is whether they belong to the owner of the website (PINTÓ RUIZ & DEL VALLE, S. L. P.) or to a third party.
Another possible categorization is based on the period of time that they remain stored on the client's browser: session cookies or persistent cookies. The first ones expires after closing the browser, while the second ones remain stored in the device.
Finally, there is another categorization with five types of cookies based on the purposes of the data obtained: technical, customisation, analytic, advertising and behavioural advertising cookies.
Technical cookies enable the user to navigate through a website, platform or app as well as to use different options or services available, such as controlling the traffic and transmission of data, identifying the user session, accessing restricted areas, remembering the items of an order, purchasing an order, processing a registration or an event request, using safety elements during the navigation, storing contents for video or sound broadcasting or sharing content in your social media.
Customisation cookies enable the user to access the service with some predefined general features based on a number of criteria from the device of the user, such as language, type of browser, regional settings, etc.
Analytic cookies enable tracking and analysis of the behaviour of the users of the websites to which they are linked. This is how navigation profiles are created for the users of such websites, apps and platforms with the aim of introducing improvements based on the analysis of the usage data provided by the users of the service.
Advertising cookies enable an efficient management of the advertising spaces included by the editor on the website, app or platform where the services are available. Management is based on criteria like the edited content or the frequency in which ads are shown.
Finally, behavioural advertising cookies enable an efficient management of the advertising spaces included by the editor on the website, app or platform where the services are available. These cookies store information about the behaviour of the users obtained from continuous observation of their navigation habits, which helps develop specific profiling to show relevant ads.
One cookie may be included in several categories. For further information on this please check the Guide on the use of cookies by the AEPD (Spanish Data Protection Agency).

Cookies excluded from the regulations

Cookies excluded from the regulations are:

• Those that allow communication exclusively between the user's device and the network.
• Those that offer a service expressly requested by the user


Excluded cookies:

• User-input cookies
• Authentication or user identification cookies
• User centric security cookies
• Multimedia Player Session cookies
• Load balancing session cookies
• UI customization cookies
• Social plug-in content sharing cookies


Cookies used in this website

Below is a list of own and third-party cookies used in our website as well as their purpose and duration.







(Own or Third-party)


Session ID

Auhentication and user identification




Language Setting

Language settings are stored for next session

24 h



Web analytics

Used to identify users and sessions

2 years from the creation/update

Google Analytics


Web analytics

New sessions and visits

30 min from the creation/update

Google Analytics


Web analytics

Identifying new sessions


Google Analytics


Web analytics

Storing the origin of the traffic or campaign that identifies how the user got to the site.

60 min from the creation/update

Google Analytics


Cookies and Browser settings

The most popular browsers include settings and security features that allow you to prevent the installation of cookies and/or other navigation data collection onyour device. Most of the browsers include instructions in the Help section on how to configure your browser so that it doesn't accept cookies, to be notified every time you receive a new cookie or to disable them completely.

You can configure your browser to reject cookies but this could block some features or limit the access to some sections of our website.

You can check the Help section of every browser to disable the installation of cookies as follows:

• Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Advanced. For more information, you can check Microsoft support or the browser help.
• Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Use custom setting for history. For more information, you can check Mozilla Support or the browser help.
• Chrome: Settings -> Show advanced settings -> Privacy -> Content settings. For more information, please check Google Support or the browser help.
• Safari: Preferences -> Security. For more information you can check Apple support or the browser help.

You can also enable incognito browsing to surf the Internet without storing any information on the websites you have visited. Check the relevant option in the Help section of your browser.

You can watch the videos created by the Spanish Data Protection Agency with instructions on how to configure options and privacy settings in different platforms and devices here:

PINTÓ RUIZ & DEL VALLE would like to thank you for accepting cookies since this allows us to obtain accurate data to improve the content and design of our website with the aim of adjusting it to your preferences.

Third-party Cookies

This website includes third-party cookies that are downloaded to your device by accessing our website. Some cookies of the website are set by external companies (like Google) who process the information and provide us with data. No personal information that could lead to the identification of a user is collected. Cookies have a validity period under two years.

Your browser settings can be changed at any time should you not wish for those cookies to be stored. However, we recommend that you don't disable them as it can prevent you from accessing some services in our website. Should you still want to disable third-party cookies, please click on the following links:

• Google Analytics:


For any other information, please contact us on the following telephone number 932413020 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Privacy policy


Personal information that you voluntarily provide us with through this website or by e-mail will be processed in order to attend your information requests, job applications or questions, and to send you communications about our firm, the events it organizes or may take part in, our newsletter and news about legislative and jurisprudential changes. All of which you expressly consent to.

The legal basis of this data processing is the legitimate interest in maintaining a relationship with you and/or the express consent you give us in providing with this data. You will be entitled to withhold this consent in any given time, which will not affect the lawfulness of this data processing prior to your withholding. All of this notwithstanding the cases in which the data processing may be necessary for the administration of a contract with you or in order to comply to legal obligations.

Your data will be stored:

  • Given the case of data provided in order to manage and give response to your requests and questions, during the time needed in order to give an answer to them.
  • Given the case of data provided in order to send communications about our firm, the events it organizes or may take part in, our newsletter and the news about legislative and jurisprudential changes, until you tell us that you no longer wish to receive them.
  • Given the case of personal data provided in job applications, for a maximum term of one year.
  • Given the case that you may establish a contractual service relationship with our firm, during the time it takes place.

After the above, data may be stored during the period of time required by applicable laws and until the possible responsibilities derived from the given relationship may become time-barred.

You are also hereby informed that you have the right to lodge a complaint before the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Additionally, we wish to inform that you can exercise your right to access, rectify, erase, object to and to restrict its processing in the terms established by current legislation in writing to: PINTÓ RUIZ & DEL VALLE S.L.P., calle Beethoven 13, planta 7ª, 08021 Barcelona or to this e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

C/. Beethoven, nº 13, 7º
Tel.: +34 93 241 30 20
Fax: +34 93 414 38 85
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

C/. María de Molina, nº 41
Tel.: +34 93 241 30 20
Fax: +34 93 414 38 85
28006 MADRID
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

C/. Sindicato nº 69, 7º (Ed. Santander)
Tel.: +34 971 71 55 33
Fax: +34 971 71 90 75
07002 PALMA
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2011-2024 Pintó Ruiz del Valle S.L. All Rights Reserved
Legal Information and Data Privacy