Rosa María Alimany Galindo

IT Manager

  • Barcelona
    C/. Beethoven, nº 13, 7º
    08021 BARCELONA

    Tel.:+34 93 241 30 20
    Fax:+34 93 414 38 85
  • Graduate in Management of Business and Technology, La Salle Universidad Ramón Llull
  • Specialization Course as University Expert in Digital Transformation, La Salle Universidad Ramón Llull
  • Master's Degree in Information and Communication Technology Management with outstanding qualification, La Salle Universidad Ramón Llull
Professional Experience

Rosa María is in charge of planning, organizing, controlling and evaluating the firm's IT department and computer systems planning.

Her role is to coordinate supplies and essential computer systems according to the firm's activity plan. She also takes care of security and control measures in order to guarantee a contingency plan, and of preservation and maintenance of the systems at her charge and those in other departments. 

She provides counsel and monitors technical problems in equipment, software and hardware management, and implements computer systems. 

Rosa María organizes the directory of suppliers who guarantee an efficient and convenient maintenance services to the firm. 

She coordinates and provides counsel to the installation of complementary computer systems such as: network communication, email, Internet and more.

  • Español
  • English
  • Català

«Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.» (Swami Sivananda)

C/. Beethoven, nº 13, 7º
Tel.: +34 93 241 30 20
Fax: +34 93 414 38 85
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

C/. María de Molina, nº 41
Tel.: +34 93 241 30 20
Fax: +34 93 414 38 85
28006 MADRID
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

C/. Sindicato nº 69, 7º (Ed. Santander)
Tel.: +34 971 71 55 33
Fax: +34 971 71 90 75
07002 PALMA
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